Dear Lord,
This land of yours and all that is in it, the red earth and rainforests. The oceans and mountains. All that dwells on this island continent belongs to you.
Loving GOD, you are the Creator of all that is and we praise you. For creatures unique to this great south land- fish and birds, animals and plants, flowers and trees in their diverse kinds, for the ancient peoples of this land who maintained its sacredness for centuries For convicts and settlers who bore the hardships of wrestling with a harsh environment. For migrants down through the years who have provided a diversity of culture that enriches an already bounteous land. For those who seek to enter our Country in search of freedom, safety and new hope.
For all of these, Creator GOD we ask you in mighty name of Jesus.
We praise and thank you for this day.

Australia Day is a time of reflection, celebration, and for many, deep contemplation about what it means to be Australian. It is an opportunity to embrace the diversity and richness of our Nation’s heritage while acknowledging the journey towards reconciliation and unity. As people of faith, we are called to seek justice, promote understanding, and walk humbly with one another.
Wish you all a Happy Australia Day 🇦🇺.